Command to move file to another directory in linux

How to copy files using the Linux Ubuntu terminal

We prepare two folders named FolderA and FolderB. In FolderA, there is a file named ABC. In this case study, FolderA contains a file named ABC, and FolderB is empty. We will copy the ABC file into FolderB.

Video tutorial on how to copy files in Linux Ubuntu using the terminal

First, open the terminal, then we go to FolderA by typing

cd FolderA

if we ls, then the ABC file will appear

To copy files in general, we type

cp location_name_file_destination_place

in this case study, to move the ABC folder, we type

cp ABC /home/faq/FolderB

then we press enter, then the ABC file will also be in FolderB

Thank you :)

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